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Insel Reichenau, Bodensee, Germany
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Montag, 13. Juni 2011

Now we are on the way back

We had a really good time in Ireland. We met so friendly and kindly people. (many hearty greetings to Mairead and Rob- next time we come ... Promised :-))
At the moment we are in Mullingar. Sitting in a very very beautiful Pub. Before that we had a really hard time to find a B & B. But after a while we were lucky and found one at the end of the town."uff" margreth is the owner and we very thankful to get a room in her nice home ( also with WIFI) ;-)
So much for today... Take care ;-) and make sure to visit Irland sometime

. Petra & Victor

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Danke dass ihr euch Zeit nehmt ein paar Worte zu schreiben........